Friday, June 10, 2011


So about a month ago I applied to do the "Artisans In The Park" art show in August.  I was late in registering, but they let me anyway.  The only stipulation was that if I was accepted that I would have to pay a late fee-totally fine with that.  Over the past couple of weeks I kept waiting and waiting for some type of response as to whether I got in or not.  I "assumed" that I would get it.  My work is pretty different and unique.  Needless to say I was feeling good. 

I finally got the letter in the mail yesterday and I didn't get accepted.  At first my heart sank and I know I cussed out the piece of paper that I was holding in anger.  I just couldn't believe it.  I realize that as an artist 1) there are artists wayyyyy more talented that me and I can appreciate it and 2) i'm not going to get into every show that I apply for.  I guess in the back of my head I was just feeling super confident.  These big outdoor shows are new to me.  I started off slow and small doing bar shows and after seeing the same artists year after year at these bigger outdoor shows, I feel ,y time has come to step it up a notch and give the world, or at least Hampton Roads, a bigger piece of who I am as an artist.

Anyways, in the rejection letter it says that you can call to find out why you didn't get in.  Well, I was dying to find out so I called today.  The lady in charge told me that the reason I didn't get into the show was because my art wasn't "fine art" enough for the show.  WTF does that mean.  I mean, come on.  I know just by talking with this lady, that she, along with these jurors, were the reason I didn't get in.  You should feel obligated every year you put on a show to mix up the talent and get new artists in there.  I know I should shrug this off and not worry about it, but this has been lingering now for 2 days and I just can't shake it.  On one hand I'm second guessing myself and on the other I saying, 'who the hell are these hoity-toity people that only care about having an art show where 3/4 of the artists do the same "beach landscape" stuff.  (I'm not knocking "beach-themed" artists.  I've been on a beach kick myself lately.  It just seems to be all the same stuff over and over again)

So I realize that although this prob. won't be the first rejection letter I get, I'm def. going to be hanging this one up as a reminder that I am better than they are. 

My art lives on!  Thanks for letting me vent!

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