Saturday, June 11, 2011

Look Closer......No, Closer!

I saw this next artist on the "Sunday Morning Show" a few months back and he blew my mind!  His name is Willard Wigan and he is a micro sculptor.  What does that mean?  Williard creates miniature sculptures that are the size of a pin head.  In fact, he can even go as small as the tip of a human hair!  Each piece that he creates can only be viewed through these one of a kind microscope domes.  In fact, if you are able to afford one of his tiny sculptures, it comes with the special dome.  Again I can't tell you how amazing this guy really is.  His pieces sell for over $300,000 and he sold his life's work to a collector for $20 mil.  Not too shabby.  Get Inspired

Here is a video of Willard's work-Watch it!

Roll it up

I have a couple bit of inspiration tonight.  First, an artist from France that I found on facebook a few months back.  His name is Junior Fritz Jacquet. Although he works in paper, he's most famous for uses toilet paper tubes to create these amazing faces.  Check them out for yourself.  It'll make you think the next time you come to the end of your toilet paper.  HAHA

Friday, June 10, 2011


So about a month ago I applied to do the "Artisans In The Park" art show in August.  I was late in registering, but they let me anyway.  The only stipulation was that if I was accepted that I would have to pay a late fee-totally fine with that.  Over the past couple of weeks I kept waiting and waiting for some type of response as to whether I got in or not.  I "assumed" that I would get it.  My work is pretty different and unique.  Needless to say I was feeling good. 

I finally got the letter in the mail yesterday and I didn't get accepted.  At first my heart sank and I know I cussed out the piece of paper that I was holding in anger.  I just couldn't believe it.  I realize that as an artist 1) there are artists wayyyyy more talented that me and I can appreciate it and 2) i'm not going to get into every show that I apply for.  I guess in the back of my head I was just feeling super confident.  These big outdoor shows are new to me.  I started off slow and small doing bar shows and after seeing the same artists year after year at these bigger outdoor shows, I feel ,y time has come to step it up a notch and give the world, or at least Hampton Roads, a bigger piece of who I am as an artist.

Anyways, in the rejection letter it says that you can call to find out why you didn't get in.  Well, I was dying to find out so I called today.  The lady in charge told me that the reason I didn't get into the show was because my art wasn't "fine art" enough for the show.  WTF does that mean.  I mean, come on.  I know just by talking with this lady, that she, along with these jurors, were the reason I didn't get in.  You should feel obligated every year you put on a show to mix up the talent and get new artists in there.  I know I should shrug this off and not worry about it, but this has been lingering now for 2 days and I just can't shake it.  On one hand I'm second guessing myself and on the other I saying, 'who the hell are these hoity-toity people that only care about having an art show where 3/4 of the artists do the same "beach landscape" stuff.  (I'm not knocking "beach-themed" artists.  I've been on a beach kick myself lately.  It just seems to be all the same stuff over and over again)

So I realize that although this prob. won't be the first rejection letter I get, I'm def. going to be hanging this one up as a reminder that I am better than they are. 

My art lives on!  Thanks for letting me vent!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lick It And Then Stick It

Today I was searching "postage stamp art" just to see what else is out there.  Sometimes I like to think that I'm the only one doing something such as postage stamp art, but I know in reality that's not the case.  It's often refreshing to find new artists and see how they put their spin on things.  Today I found the artist Peter Mason.  Peter takes recycled postage stamps and creates huge portraits with them, some often consisting of 22,000 stamps.  They are very cool and since I know how long it takes just to do a small 12" x 36" canvas, I can def. appreciate the time and effort it takes to do a 3' x 4' canvas.  Check out his work below

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Funny How Things Work Out

So I've had a love for silverware for years now.  Although i'm branching my art out into new avenues, I still visit silverware and occasionally do a new piece with it.  Yesterday I was online searching for a picture of a bent spoon that I could use for reference for a new logo.  While searching, I came across this guy who call himself Pink Diablo.  His name is actually Tom Sale and he is an artists from Texas who now goes by the moniker Pink Diablo.  One of the things that Pink Diablo does is make skulls out of actual spoons.  They are the coolest thing.  I'm not a HUGE fan of skulls, but I really have an appreciation for someone that does something out of the ordinary.  You can check them out and buy your own here:

So since I do button skull pieces I thought I would e-mail Pink Diablo and tell him first how cool his stuff was and second to see if he was up for a trade.  A skull button piece for a couple of skull spoons.  He quickly replied and was down. In about a week I will be the proud owner of some skulls spoons and I cannot wait!  I'll be posting pictures of these bad boys!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Way too long

So I really need to get in gear with this whole blog thing.  My whole reasoning of this blog was to share art and art related new with other people.  I'm constantly looking for inspiration and new artists to add to my list.  So my intention is to keep this blog updated atleast 3 times a wee (for now) and hopefully I can share some cool art including my own.

Also, if you have a cool artist or link to something cool, please share it.

Here's today's link.  I found this artists Phil Hansen about 3 years ago and his work is amazing.  If you get the chance, look him up.  Or better yet, watch his videos on youtube.  Here is his latest one:
